Fixing Missing go.sum Entry for Module Providing Package in Golang


If you’re working with Go modules and encounter the error:

missing go.sum entry for module providing package <package_name>

You’re not alone.

This issue commonly arises due to inconsistencies in dependency tracking.

I recently faced this issue and found that running go mod tidy resolved it.

However, during my research, I discovered multiple potential causes and fixes that might help others dealing with similar problems.

This article will explore:

  1. What causes this error?
  2. Various solutions to fix it.
  3. How to prevent it in the future.

Understanding the Error

Go modules (go.mod and go.sum) manage dependencies in Go projects.

The go.sum file records checksums of modules to ensure their integrity.

If a package is referenced in go.mod but missing in go.sum, Go cannot verify its integrity, leading to this error.

Possible Causes

1. Outdated or Incomplete go.sum File

  • When dependencies change but go.sum isn’t updated, Go may not find the correct checksum.
  • This commonly happens when dependencies are added manually or changed outside the usual module workflow.

2. Dependency Version Conflicts

  • If multiple dependencies require different versions of the same package, Go may struggle to resolve them.
  • Running go mod tidy usually helps, but conflicts might persist.

3. Corrupt go.sum or go.mod File

  • If go.sum is manually edited or removed, its integrity could be compromised.
  • Similarly, incorrect changes to go.mod can cause module resolution failures.

4. Removed or Replaced Dependencies

  • If a module has been deleted or replaced incorrectly, Go might not find the expected checksum.
  • Using replace directives in go.mod improperly can also lead to this error.

5. Network Issues or Proxy Restrictions

  • Some networks block Go module downloads, leading to missing entries in go.sum.
  • The Go module proxy (GOPROXY) might also be misconfigured or down.


1. Run go mod tidy (This fixed my issue)

The simplest and most effective solution is to run:

go mod tidy

This command:

  • Removes unused dependencies.
  • Adds missing ones.
  • Ensures go.sum is up to date.

2. Run go mod download

If go mod tidy doesn’t fully resolve the issue, try:

go mod download

This forces Go to download all dependencies and update go.sum.

3. Remove and Re-add the Dependency

If a specific package is causing trouble, remove and reinstall it:

go get -u <package_name>
go mod tidy

This updates the dependency and refreshes go.sum.

4. Delete and Regenerate go.sum

If corruption is suspected, delete go.sum and regenerate it:

rm go.sum
go mod tidy

This forces Go to recreate go.sum with the correct entries.

5. Ensure Go Modules Are Enabled

Check if Go modules are enabled:

go env GO111MODULE

If the output is off, enable it:

go env -w GO111MODULE=on

This ensures Go is using the correct dependency management system.

6. Check for Proxy Issues

If you’re behind a corporate firewall or restricted network, set the proxy to direct:

GOPROXY=direct go mod tidy

Alternatively, ensure your Go proxy settings are correct:

go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

7. Verify Dependency Integrity

To check if a specific dependency is causing issues, try:

go mod verify

This ensures that module checksums match expected values.

Preventing This Issue in the Future

  • Always run go mod tidy after modifying dependencies.
  • Commit go.sum along with go.mod to version control.
  • Avoid manual edits to go.sum. Let Go manage it.
  • Use replace in go.mod cautiously to avoid unnecessary overrides.
  • Ensure your build environment has network access to Go proxies.


The error “missing go.sum entry for module providing package” can be frustrating, but it usually has a straightforward fix.

Running go mod tidy resolved my issue instantly, but understanding the root causes can help prevent it in the future.

If go mod tidy doesn’t work, try additional troubleshooting steps like reinstalling dependencies, verifying integrity, or adjusting proxy settings.

I hope this guide helps you resolve the issue efficiently. Happy coding! 🚀