5 Ways to Print Struct Variables in Go

In the Go programming language, structs are a powerful way to group related data together.

Often, you may need to print struct variables for debugging or logging purposes.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 5 different ways to print struct variables in Go with examples.

Print Struct Variables
Print Struct Variables

1.Using fmt.Println

One of the simplest ways to print a struct in Go is by using the fmt package.

The fmt.Println function prints the struct with its default formatting.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func main() {
	p := Person{Name: "Arun", Age: 25}
	fmt.Println(p) // Default formatting


{Arun 25}

2.Using fmt.Printf

If you want better formatting, and want more control over the output format while printing struct variables, we can use fmt.Printf with format verbs.

Go provides several format verbs that can be used to print structs in different ways.

  1. %v - Prints the struct in its default format.
  2. %+v - Prints the struct with field names.
  3. %#v - Prints the struct in Go syntax representation.
  4. %T - Prints the type of the struct.

%v - Prints the struct in its default format

The %v verb prints the struct using its default format without field names.


fmt.Printf("Default format: %v\n", p)


Default format: {Arun 25}

%+v - Prints the struct with field names.

The %+v verb prints the struct with field names included.


fmt.Printf("With field names: %+v\n", p)


With field names: {Name:Arun Age:25}

%#v - Prints the struct in Go syntax representation.

The %#v verb prints the struct in a Go syntax-like representation.


fmt.Printf("Go syntax representation: %#v\n", p)


Go syntax representation: main.Person{Name:"Arun", Age:25}

%T - Prints the type of the struct

The %T verb prints the type of the struct.


fmt.Printf("Type of struct: %T\n", p)


Type of struct: main.Person

3.Using json.Marshal for JSON Representation

If you want to print the struct in JSON format, you can use the encoding/json package.


package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int    `json:"age"`

func main() {
	p := Person{Name: "Arun", Age: 25}
	jsonData, _ := json.Marshal(p)



For pretty-printed JSON:

jsonData, _ := json.MarshalIndent(p, "", "  ")


  "name": "Arun",
  "age": 25

4.Using reflect Package for Field-Level Details

If you need to print struct field names dynamically, the reflect package is useful.


package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func main() {
	p := Person{Name: "Arun", Age: 25}
	val := reflect.ValueOf(p)
	typeOfStruct := val.Type()

	for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("%s: %v\n", typeOfStruct.Field(i).Name, val.Field(i).Interface())


Name: Arun
Age: 25

5.Implementing a Custom String() Method

Another approach is implementing the String() method for a struct. This lets you control the output format when the struct is printed.


package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func (p Person) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Person{Name: %s, Age: %d}", p.Name, p.Age)

func main() {
	p := Person{Name: "Arun", Age: 25}
	fmt.Println(p) // Calls the String() method


Person{Name: Arun, Age: 25}


Printing struct variables in Go can be done in multiple ways, depending on your needs.

The fmt package provides simple printing, while json.Marshal is useful for structured output.

The reflect package allows dynamic introspection, and a custom String() method provides full control over formatting.

Use these techniques based on your requirements to debug and log data effectively in Go!