Go 1.19.1 and Go 1.18.6 versions are released

Go language team at Google released two minor versions Go 1.19.1 and Go 1.18.6 on 06-09-2022.

As part of these releases, Go language team fixed following security issues.

  1. CVE-2022-27664: net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY
  2. CVE-2022-32190: JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances

CVE-2022-27664: net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY

This includes security fixes to the net/http package.

A closing HTTP/2 server connection could hang forever waiting for a clean shutdown that was preempted by a subsequent fatal error. This failure mode could be exploited to cause a denial of service.

The issue is reported by Bahruz Jabiyev, Tommaso Innocenti, Anthony Gavazzi, Steven Sprecher, and Kaan Onarlioglu.

For more details visit following github issue.


CVE-2022-32190: JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances

This fixes the issue in net/url package.

JoinPath() doesn’t remove ../ path components appended to a domain that is not terminated by a slash.

This could conceivably lead to a directory traversal attack.

The result of JoinPath() shouldn’t depend on whether the first component is / terminated or not.

fmt.Println(url.JoinPath("https://go.dev", "../x"))  // https://go.dev/../x
fmt.Println(url.JoinPath("https://go.dev/", "../x")) // https://go.dev/x

Shi0n reported this issue.

Other bug fixes

Apart from the above security issues, this release addressed few issues related to the compiler, the go command, the pprof command, the runtime, and the crypto/tls and encoding/xmlpackages

Here is the list minor bugs fixed in this release.

Go 1.19.1 milestone

Go 1.18.6 milestone

Update to Go 1.19.1 version

Use the below download link to update to Go 1.19.1 version


or through command prompt

>go get golang.org/dl/go1.19.1
>go1.17.13 download
Downloaded   0.0% (     3275 / 150380150 bytes) ...
Downloaded   0.0% (    32768 / 150380150 bytes) ...
Downloaded   1.6% (  2342896 / 150380150 bytes) ...
Downloaded 100.0% (150380150 / 150380150 bytes)
Unpacking C:\Users\arunkumarg\sdk\go1.19.1\go1.19.1.windows-amd64.zip ...
Success. You may now run 'go1.19.1'

Now to check the version use the below command

>go1.19.1 version
go version go1.19.1 windows/amd64

Update to Go 1.18.6 version

Use the below download link to update to Go 1.18.6 version


or through command prompt

>go get golang.org/dl/go1.18.6
>go1.18.6 download
Downloaded   0.0% (     3275 / 150380150 bytes) ...
Downloaded   0.0% (    32768 / 150380150 bytes) ...
Downloaded   1.6% (  2342896 / 150380150 bytes) ...
Downloaded 100.0% (150380150 / 150380150 bytes)
Unpacking C:\Users\arunkumarg\sdk\go1.18.6\go1.18.6.windows-amd64.zip ...
Success. You may now run '1.18.6'

Now to check the version use the below command

>go1.18.6 version
go version go1.18.6 windows/amd64

Official Announcement

The official announcement
